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Holiday Season


2022 passed by in a blink of an eye for many of us, myself included. As we started to get some semblance of normalcy, traveling began again, family & friend reunions were more frequent, and we began to make new friends again. This was the first year where I started to feel like I was falling back into the rhythm of the world again.


The last 3 years have taught me a lot. I have been able to reflect, process, and make lessons learned of the great and not so great experiences. As we say goodbye to 2022, I am understanding that all these experiences, both personal and professional, are helping me lead to a new understanding and appreciation that reflection is an important component of well-being.

My Reflection on Nutrition

Food, diet, and nutrition is a common interest for many of us as we require this to live. Though we may all be looking for the various diets or weight loss program, I realize that nutrition is not a "one stop shop" solution for all. Each meal plan that I have made over the last year has had the same approach - individuality. We are unique in our own ways, and our nutritional plans should reflect as such.


This year, the theme for the 2022 National Nutrition month was to celebrate a world of flavours, embrace global cultures and cuisines. Diet changes can be tricky, especially when trying to modify recipes from our culture. We have learned how to make certain foods one way, and changing this habit may seem tricky. For me, this is a huge part of my coaching and teachings - I aim to show clients how to modify recipes to incorporate our individuality into diet plans.


Keeping our uniqueness in mind, here is a recipe booklet that you can enjoy during the holidays. A gift from Suja's Kitchen to yours!

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