Our Client Transformations
"I am now over 25lbs down!"
After 6 weeks in the program a buddy trip of a week to Cuba and starting stronger, I am is now over 25 lbs down. I played baseball after a long time. I am still working on the sleep and pains due to the sports injury in the past but I am working towards my final weight goal.
My moods are better and getting off depression meds very soon. My digestion is good, no more IBS or acidity and I am working on managing stress. I also started to workout and seeing results.


Darrin Bianchin
"My coach is amazing , for me she is God Sent. I started this programme with full faith in Sujata."


Before Metabolic Balance, I definitely wasn't following a healthy lifestyle. I had no control to what was happening to my body, on top of hives my blood sugar numbers were off and my doctor suggested that I needed to make alterations to my lifestyle or soon I would have been pre-diabetic .
My coach is amazing , for me she is God Sent. I started this programme with full faith in Sujata and the programme. She has been available for me at every step, just a message away keeping us connected through group. Always motivating each one of us, she started cooking classes to make it fun and make people understand its a lifestyle we chose to appreciate our body.
By the end of phase 2 my hives were gone for good which gave me another motivation that it may actually help with my blood sugar . By end of phase 3 I could see a difference in my blood sugar numbers and there was another surprise in house, I got pregnant on the plan as this plan corrected my hormones as well.
This programme has not only helped me with my health goals , it kept me motivated during my pregnancy. I was able to stabilize my blood sugar numbers, I experienced no gestational diabetes and no other common issues during pregnancy, I owe it to this plan.
Parul Nirola
"My emotional and impulsive eating habits have changed.."


Unlike other diets, the rules are explicit and catered to the client’s needs. I chose Metabolic because there is little room for error, and you have direct instructions. What is excellent about the MB is that it helps people, like myself, who have binging tendencies
recognize their cravings and bad habits.
MB is different for everyone. In my case, I found the program very easy to follow. The only problems I had were meal prep, especially at the beginning. However, as I entered the second stage, making the three meals became a lot easier.
Seeing my fat percentage go down and the improvement of my energy. Seeing the specific body composition change, especially when it came to my muscle rate, visceral and subcutaneous fats, and body water improvement, gave me the most motivation.
Sonya Sevadjian
"I have now lost 68lbs. More than my goal of 50 lbs."
I wanted a complete change and radical diet change to suit my metabolism and body. It was very challenging initially. However with time and continuous guidance from my coach and nutritionist, Sujata Kale - Banerjea I have had a great success with it.
My biggest changes since MB has been my healthy eating habits. The total change of foods and meals. Not eating certain food like rice, bread, sugars and diary have greatly helped in reducing my weight and lactose intolerance. I have now lost 68 lbs. More than my goals of 50 lbs. All this is a great achievement.
I have benefited tremendously from it.
Namrita Manghani
"We feel healthier, more energetic, sleep better, look better, feel younger."

It was very tough at first. Getting the ingredients, weighing the food, cooking separately for each of us, these were the challenges. But over time we really took to the diet, got a little
creative with the menu, expanded the menu and are thoroughly enjoying it now. Even when we are out, we always have the proportions of the various types of food at the back of our
minds. It definitely has become a lifestyle now and following the 80-20 rule has become a part of our routines.
Sujata has become a very important person in our life. I found her very
motivating and inspiring. I struggled initially with the program, gave it up a couple of times, but she persisted continuously with me, kept on egging me till I was on the correct path. She has made herself always available, always responds to our queries and has helped out in planning the menu and sourcing ingredients. The other programs that she makes you a part of , even on FB and during lockdown have been very helpful in keeping you in check. She is a constant support since we started on this journey.
Gunjan Das
" Improvement in my blood pressure, decrease inflammation, improved energy and confidence in appearance.."
Sujata has been great in keeping me honest and on track. Listening to how I was feeling each step through the process and supporting any obstacles I had with choice or new ideas to keep me motivated to achieve my goals.
Seeing improved results has keep me motivated. Improvement in my blood pressure, decrease inflammation, improved energy and confidence in appearance.

Kathleen Sputore
"I said bye bye to both 60 pounds and also the cholesterol pills."
I was in research for a healthy eating habit and lifestyle changes for the last 4 years. I weighed 231 lb and had a very high cholesterol which led me to take cholesterol pills in the end. Unfortunately most traditional weight control methods didn’t work because most of them are just giving you a standard list of food that you shouldn't eat. I met with the Metabolic Balance program and the coach Sujata Kale-Banerjea in June 2020.
This program provided a well tailored structure based on the reality of my metabolism and my body. With the ongoing coaching and amazing knowledge of Sujata, I reached my goal of 171 lb at the end of October 2020. I said bye bye to both 60 pounds and also the cholesterol pills. I really appreciate getting to know the Metabolic Balance program coached by Sujata; it is definitely a life changing experience for me and for my family as well.


Gunman Gunday
"Sujata I would strongly recommend metabolic balance program, who would like to have a healthy lifestyle not on a temporary basis but for a lifetime."


I have a very healthy lifestyle. I was regularly doing workout and watch what I eat. I was always on a leaner side in physic. In a course of time , you have shift in your weight due to hormonal Change and many other reason. This is the time where you need an expert like Sujata. Who come like an Angel in your life. I was introduced to Sujata and metabolic balance program by my hairstylist friend .
I was really impressed with the information on the website. When I had my first appointment with Sujata in August 2020, I was very much impressed how detailed oriented Sujata is. Her throughness in her profession is remarkable. Sujata is keeping a close eye on each and every clients what do they eat and if they follow their meal plan on a closed social media group. She is a good listener and always ready to address the needs of each clients and walk with them on their journey to a great health with metabolic balance program.
I have already lost 14 lbs since September 2020 . I am forever grateful to dear Sujata that our paths have crossed each other in our lives. I would strongly recommend metabolic balance program, who would like to have a healthy lifestyle not on a temporary basis but for a lifetime.
Mona Satvedi
"After being on the program I was able to lose 20 lbs, and keep it off since then."
Sujata was essential in putting together a plan and providing me with some general behavioural changes to make in my own routines in order to see the greater change.
Once I had the meal plan and established my own routines around it, it was actually pretty easy. Because I was working from home, I was able to plan my day around meals, and prep certain things in advance.
If you are someone that doesn't want to overthink meals, then the program offers great structure to plan out food and do it in a way that is beneficial to your over health and well being.
After being on the program I was able to lose 20 lbs, and keep it off since then. That was through a combination of not eating certain things, while focusing on eating others in more controlled quantities. I never realized how much my own food choices were contributing to my weight.

Samir Patel
"Not only did my body feel fully energized from the nutrients of the recommended foods, it was also easy to follow. "
The knowledge and support that Sujata has to offer her clients is remarkable. It is truly an amazing gift to share with those who want to live a healthier lifestyle.
My goal was to lose 15 pounds and following the rules of MB and my personalized meal plan allowed me to achieve my goal very quickly. Not only did my body feel fully energized from the nutrients of the recommended foods, it was also easy to follow.
Michelle Maduri
"I’ve learnt so much about my body and nutrition and of course Sujata Kale-Banerjea has been there for me every step of the way..to this very day!"
Two days have passed now since I received my blood work results...I started MB on January 7th....I remember that day because I found out I was allergic to magnesium and thought this MB just wasn't for me BUT with help from you I stuck to it and now I find that my Diabetes has been reversed by at least 7 YEARS....yes my blood sugar hasn't been this good in 7 years and I've stopped taking insulin...meaning 4 shots a day...gone from my everyday routine!!!! YES IN JUST 3 MONTHS!!! I don't know if there are any other diabetics in this group but I hope so. My family doctor was amazed and said keep up the good work...wanted to know what motivated me and well she had lots of questions about MB and actually googled MB while I was in her office...and just maybe she will tell other diabetic patients...I still have issues with fibromyalgia and pain associated with that condition but I'm confident that in the months ahead this too will change for the better! I just know it...I can feel it!!!
I’m two years into my MB journey and the 1st picture is me now almost 30 pounds lighter with an A1C of 6.6 (no need for insulin now)...and as you can see I’m having my treat meal!
The last picture is my before picture and my A1C was 8.8 (with insulin). The MB plan is a very sustainable way of eating...
I’ve learnt so much about my body and nutrition and of course Sujata Kale-Banerjea has been there for me every step of the way..to this very day!
She is one amazing coach/friend/experienced advisor.
She has never given up on me and all my sensitives...I apply my MB rules as much as possible even after 2 years and feel the benefits each and every day.
Janice Breen
"That day back in April changed my life, and gave me the tools to use for the rest of my life, for good health, good well being."
I started this program weighing 174lbs my goal was to get to 145lbs. Today I am now 132lbs. In fact I have been around that weight since December 2016. So far, I have lost over 40lbs, and I am also maintaining the weight. In January 2017 I went for my physical, and the results were amazing, not just in weight, which they were stunned at the loss, but that I had lost the weight but had not lost any muscle mass in the process. My polyps are no longer a concern, my thyroid levels are down, and my over all health is an A+! I feel good and now I jump out of bed and run down the stairs to put the dog out. Metabolic Balance is about making life changes for life. Thank you Sujata!
Evelyn F.
- Age 58 -
"Sujata is one of our best Coaches all over Canada."
She is very experienced and has amazing success with Metabolic Balance and hundreds of clients following it. Her clients are well taken care of. She is beyond experienced with the principles that Metabolic Balance which makes it so successful and gives her knowledge to the clients who don’t only reach their goals but also learn a lot about their body and mindset. She also creates absolutely amazing recipe ideas and is a fabulous cook. She also is our Master Coach and teaches the new coaches how to do the consultations with their clients. She supports them any time of the day and takes her for each and every one.
Last but not least, she is my angel – a very good friend. She will always have a place in my heart. I am so grateful to have her in my team.